вторник, 22 мая 2012 г.

Description of the picture

In the picture I can see a couple of two young people. I think they are dancing on a ball. In the back ground I can see some people who are wearing very formal and beautiful. Women are wearing maxi dresses and men are wearing suits. The atmosphere is very festive. The light is good and may be from candles. Also there are red curtains on wa window and I think that all these people are in castle.In the foreground there is the dancing man. He is tall and slim. He has dark short thick hair, a normal nose and very focus face. He is wearing a formal black suit, a white shirt and a black bow-tie. He looks very happy and I think he likes this ball. The young girl nex to him has long curly brown hair, beautiful focus eyes, a normal nose and a small chin. She is wearing a beautiful formal splendid sleevless dress and short black gloves. They are looking at each other and I think they like it. They are really focus on their dance. http://static.tvfanatic.com/images/gallery/having-a-ball-together_444x341.jpg

пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

Description of the picture

In the picture I can see a young man. The picture was taken in the street. The weather is warm and sunny, but the man is standing in the shadow. He is tall and slim. He is wearing a grey jumper, light blue jeans and black trainers. In his right hand he is holding a sport bag and in the left hand there is a computer. On his neck there is a golden chain and on the right hand he is wearing a golden ring. He has an oval face, thick dark hair, brown eyes, a normal nose and small ears. Also he has a thin beard. On the back ground I can see a lively road, some people and building. I think that the man is a tourist. The man is in a good mood, because he likes his trip. http://freshlyeducatedmen.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/aug-002.jpg