He is quite tall and thin. Zac has an oval face, brown medium hair, his eyes I don`t see, because he is smiling, but I think they are browns, his nose is typical and his smile is shining. In general Zac is very beautiful.
In this photo he is wearing well formal. Zac is wearing a white T-shirt, a black vest, black trausers and his foot I don`t see but I think he is wearing black shoes. More, on his hand is small bracelet and on his neck is maybe silver pendant.
In this photo Zac is smiling. I think it is because he is taking a photo for magazine.
there is a famous actor...
ОтветитьУдалитьI can't see the colour of his eyes...
they are brown...
handsome not beautiful...
moreover not more...
there is a small braclet...
take a photo means фотографировать, не фотографироваться...
don't write about what you can't see...