суббота, 14 декабря 2013 г.

понедельник, 2 декабря 2013 г.

четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.

Are traditions important?

   Traditions are activities or things which are accepted by people through generations. There are common traditions(celebrating New Year or Christmas), traditions of the contry(Independence Day), district(The Founders` Day), town(The Town`s Day) or family(Sunday`s dinners). Traditions can be originated in the Middle Ages and last till our daus maybe with some changes. There are new traditions as well which appear with changes in our society. All of them are important because through them we keep our culture and cultural legacy safe.
   First of all, traditions are important because when people honour them they feel that they belong to something. Isn`t it great to know that at the New Year or Christmas everybody makes presents for their relatives. Kind and sweet atmosphere surrounds us when we choose presents. People all around the world do the same - it is tradition!
   Secondly, traditions keep the connection between ancestors and us. When we do something traditional we do the tribute to the prewious generations. For instance, long ago people started to burn a scarecrow to banish the winter at Maslenitsa. We have kept it and every spring we do this remembering our forefathers.
   Thirdly, the importance of the traditions is the contact between people. For example, at the Women`s Day every man congratulates women who he works or studies with. Sometimes even unknown person can say compliments on this day.
   In my opinion, without traditions life would become boring. People would be unfriendly and cold to each other. We wouldn`t know our culture and due to this would be immature. Therefore traditions are important so we should keep them and make new ones too.

среда, 30 октября 2013 г.


The headline of the article I have read is "Skype: is more important than it looks". The author of the article is Jennifer O'Hagan. The article is published in The British Council Magazine on the 3rd of October 2012.
The article is devoted to the meaning of Skype nowadays. The purpose of the article is to show the advantages of using Skype. The author starts with telling about her own life experience. Once her friend from the other country really needed to talk to her, so she spent a lot of money on the payphone. The author points out that with Skype it would be much more cheaply. Further the author says that Skype doesn`t affect on people. Using Skype doesn`t become an addiction. The article goes on to say that Skype helps people to stay in touch even when they live far away. The author`s friend still could see her boyfriend while living abroad using Skype. 
The author comes to the conclusion that Skype is a simple thing that helps people to get in touch despite of a distance. 
I think that Skype is a very useful thing. I use it quite often to talk to my relatives from Russia or just to speak with my friends.

Answers for test 2

воскресенье, 19 мая 2013 г.

среда, 1 мая 2013 г.

The Tower of London

 The Tower of London
The Beefeaters with ravens

вторник, 23 апреля 2013 г.

The Tudor period

Keys: 1.the 2.had 3.a 4.a 5.before 6.for 7.correct 8.has 9.correct 10.has 11.to 12.correct 13.of 14.had 15.according 16.correct

среда, 3 апреля 2013 г.


Write a story about riding on a train with a joyful deer who breaks an expensive vase

Once I decided to have a trip to Lapland – it was my childish dream. I had always wanted to know how Santa Claus lived and what he did at home. So I bought a train ticket, packed my stuff and went to the railway station.

When I got to the railway station I saw a big crowd fussing around the 8th coach. I asked one old nice man if he knew what was going on. But he only chuckled and pointed to a smiling lady who was strutting in front of everybody and after her there was a deer. I couldn`t believe my eyes! This strange couple got on the 8th coach and I realised that I would ride with them in the same coach. I got on the coach too and found out that my place was near this funny lady and her extraordinary pet. So I sat and greeted the lady. She was very friendly but acted like anything was not happening like we were not sitting with her deer. We were riding keeping silence when I couldn`t stand this anymore and asked why she travelled with a deer. She smiled and replied that this deer was mended for Santa`s team although he was very small but already needed to be near with his future owner.

We were having a nice chat when to our coach got on plum and angry man holding a big and expensive Chinese vase.  He sat next to the deer that was eating something at that moment. Man told us that he would go to the dining car and asked to look after his precious vase. And he left. The deer wanted to get more food so he started to make noise but lady said to him that he had already eaten everything she had got. The deer felt that the vase smelt tasty and he decided to look into it and suddenly it fell on the floor. It was terrific! The man came back and was very shocked about it.

Likely we had already arrived so railway station`s staff cleaned everything and promised this poor man to return money for vase.

I will never forget this curious trip.

вторник, 19 февраля 2013 г.


Dear teacher Stella! How are you? Thank you for the idea to participate in World Education Games. We did it last year and it was quite interesting. This time I had to registrate again. I did it quickly and correctly. My username and password were sent to my email. I hope I will successfully play on this website and find out something new. All the best, Anna Kilp

вторник, 8 января 2013 г.