четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.

Are traditions important?

   Traditions are activities or things which are accepted by people through generations. There are common traditions(celebrating New Year or Christmas), traditions of the contry(Independence Day), district(The Founders` Day), town(The Town`s Day) or family(Sunday`s dinners). Traditions can be originated in the Middle Ages and last till our daus maybe with some changes. There are new traditions as well which appear with changes in our society. All of them are important because through them we keep our culture and cultural legacy safe.
   First of all, traditions are important because when people honour them they feel that they belong to something. Isn`t it great to know that at the New Year or Christmas everybody makes presents for their relatives. Kind and sweet atmosphere surrounds us when we choose presents. People all around the world do the same - it is tradition!
   Secondly, traditions keep the connection between ancestors and us. When we do something traditional we do the tribute to the prewious generations. For instance, long ago people started to burn a scarecrow to banish the winter at Maslenitsa. We have kept it and every spring we do this remembering our forefathers.
   Thirdly, the importance of the traditions is the contact between people. For example, at the Women`s Day every man congratulates women who he works or studies with. Sometimes even unknown person can say compliments on this day.
   In my opinion, without traditions life would become boring. People would be unfriendly and cold to each other. We wouldn`t know our culture and due to this would be immature. Therefore traditions are important so we should keep them and make new ones too.

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